Best in class online social game that allows players to become immersed in a vibrant countryside farm. The game hit 8 million DAU at its peak. My primary role on the team was as a systems designer though I did contribute to content and narrative design on multiple features as well.
Intensity is the winner of the GDX / Entelechy Show 2009: Best Non Digital Game Award. Our goal with intensity was to create a structure building game for 2 to 4 players that pitted players against each other in various modes of play. We used the M.D.A (Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics) Model to create a fast paced game play experience that always builds up to a sense of intensity.
Illusion is a game created in 24 hours for the 2010 global game jam. The theme of the game jam was deception.
Best in class online social game that allows players to become immersed in a vibrant countryside farm. The game hit 8 million DAU at its peak. My primary role on the team was as a systems designer though I did contribute to content and narrative design on multiple features as well.